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Representatives from the 37th Meeting of the L.G.S.O Working Group Visit SITP
Gao,guolong Editor
ArticleSource: sitp
Update time: 2008-09-23 00:00:00
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On September 18, 2008, Ding Lei, a deputy director of SITP received the representatives from the 37th Meeting of the Landsat Ground Station Operation Working Group.

The meeting of the Landsat Ground Station Operation Working Group has been held for 36 times in different countries successfully. The 37th meeting was undertaken by the Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy of Science. 36 representatives from USA, Germany, Japan, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Russia and European Space Agency and so on attended the meeting.


Because of the actual effort and research level of SITP in spatial remote sensing, smallsat, optoelectronics and information processing and network, the institute was selected as the only unit to be visited by the meeting organization committee. In the reception, Mr. Ding introduced the research work and some achievements in remote sensing of the instiute and had a acdemic discussion with the representatives.

photo by jiang,wancheng


Chinese wirter:liu,manfang



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